The Speed Cubers is a heartwarming documentary that follows the extraordinary journey of two world champion Rubik's Cube solvers. It explores their unique bond as they compete in judged competitions, overcoming challenges and forming an unlikely friendship. Through their story, the film delves into themes of fair play, alternative education, and the power of dedication.
As a young father, watching his daughter go through her life experiences, film director Alexandre Mourot discovered the Montessori approach and decided to set his camera up in a children's house (3 to 6 years of age) in the oldest Montessori school in France. Alexandre was warmly welcomed in a surprisingly calm and peaceful environment, filled with flowers, fruits and Montessori materials. He met happy children, who were free to move about, working alone or in small groups. The teacher remained very discreet. Some children were reading, others were making bread, doing division, laughing or sleeping. The children guided the film director throughout the whole school year, helping him to understand the magic of their autonomy and self-esteem - the seeds of a new society of peace and freedom, which Maria Montessori dedicated her life work to.
All Who Dare is a documentary that follows the journey of at-risk youth as they embark on an outdoor education program. Through challenges such as backpacking, hiking, and conservation efforts, these high school students find personal growth and a new perspective on life. The film captures their struggles, triumphs, and the transformative power of alternative education.
Class Dismissed is a documentary that explores the growing trend of homeschooling and alternative education options. The film follows several families as they navigate the challenges and benefits of providing their children with a non-traditional education.
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