In Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, Yuya Sakaki is a talented young boy who dreams of becoming a professional duelist. He enters a card-playing world known as Action Duels, where duelists use special technology to bring their cards to life. Yuya must face off against powerful opponents and uncover the secrets of the Arc-V dueling dimension.
Jason Dessen is abducted into an alternate version of his life. To get back to his true family, he embarks on a harrowing journey to save them from the most terrifying foe imaginable: himself.
Evelyn Quan Wang, a Chinese immigrant, runs a laundromat with her husband. When their lives become entangled with parallel universes, Evelyn discovers her untapped potential to save the multiverse from a threat. She learns to embrace her alternate selves and fights against Jobu Tupaki, who wants to destroy everything. Through empathy and acceptance, Evelyn repairs the damage she caused and reconciles with her family.
Two young brothers are drawn into an intergalactic adventure when their house is hurled through space by a magical board game. They encounter a series of challenges, including an astronaut, a defective robot, reptilian aliens, and a black hole. Along the way, they learn to put aside their differences and work together to save their home and return to normalcy.
Girls who live in a provincial city perform a certain ritual. The girls are in the "Crystal Radio Club." It is an interest circle that Asuka Tsuchimiya, a girl known for her cheerfulness, started with friends in her high school. That ritual was considered just an urban legend. However, with several conditions coincidentally falling into place, it stops being fun and games...
Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage is struggling with his career and personal life. After a humiliating event, he decides to retire from acting. However, he accepts an offer to be the guest of honor at a billionaire playboy's birthday in Majorca. Cage forms an unexpected bond with the playboy and gets caught up in a mission involving a kidnapped girl and CIA agents. As he navigates this chaotic adventure, Cage reevaluates his priorities and relationships, ultimately finding redemption and a new lease on life.
Phineas and Ferb, along with their friends, travel to a parallel dimension to rescue their pet platypus from an evil alternate version of their sister's self.
In 'My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Friendship Games,' Twilight Sparkle and her friends compete in a magical competition against rival school Shadowbolts. As they face challenges and tests of friendship, they must also navigate their own personal struggles. Can they work together and triumph over adversity?
In My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks, a group of high school girls known as the Equestria Girls must band together and form a musical group to compete in a battle of the bands. However, they soon discover that a mind-controlling villain is trying to take over their school and world domination is at stake. With the power of friendship and music, they must overcome obstacles and save the day.
During a summer camp, the Equestria Girls discover a magical force that threatens to destroy the camp. Together, they must unlock their true potential and save the day.
A young French journalist repeatedly meets iconic surrealist artist Salvador Dalí for a documentary project that never came to be.
Turtles Forever follows the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as they encounter multiple versions of themselves from different dimensions, teaming up to save their worlds from an evil alien. The film features action-packed battles, comedy, and explores the concept of alternate realities.
When Sunset Shimmer stumbles upon an old magic mirror, she is transported to an alternate world where her memories have been erased. She must find her way back home while unraveling the mystery behind her forgotten friendships. Along the way, she encounters new friends and faces unexpected challenges.
A couple find themselves trapped while on a run around a pond.
After being bullied at school for dressing as a boy, Sam escapes into the fields surrounding his house, where he's forced to choose between who he is and who society thinks he should be.
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