A Grin Without a Cat is a documentary film by French filmmaker Chris Marker, which explores the wave of political protest and social change that swept across the world in the 1960s and 1970s. The film combines archive footage, interviews, and Marker's unique storytelling style to provide a comprehensive look at the various movements and events of the time period. From the altermondialisation movement to the Vietnam War and the rise of communism, A Grin Without a Cat delves deep into the complexities of the era.
In La prova generale, Carlo (Carlo Cecchi) interviews with a tape machine and a microphone his young lover while the two wander in the beautiful splendour of a wood on the edge of the city.
Many communities were founded to improve the world in the second half of the last century. India with its enormous historic potential of celebrated spirituality and a generous attitude to other life forms, became the home to many of these communes seeking meaning. The 2,200 members of the 'Auroville' community in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu have turned their back on the capitalist way.
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