In this animated short film, a hungry alley cat tries to catch a clever canary. The chase takes an unexpected turn when the canary accidentally consumes a growth serum, causing him to grow to an enormous size. The cat, now at a disadvantage, must find a way to outsmart the giant bird before he destroys everything in his path.
In 'You Ought to Be in Pictures,' a cartoon character named Daffy Duck decides to quit his job at a movie studio. He goes to visit the studio and meets up with his friend Porky Pig. Together, they cause chaos and hilarity as they cross over into the live-action world of Los Angeles. They encounter security guards, stagecoaches, and even a film producer. Throughout their adventure, they use disguises, chase scenes, and surrealism to navigate the real world. The movie combines animation and live-action in a unique and entertaining way.
Bandleader Tim Hartley's father objects strongly to his son's occupation choice and packs him off to Hawaii to manage the family hotel holdings. This proves to be a wrong move as Hawaiia has more bands than it does pineapples.
Without success, Porky Pig constantly tries to silence an alley cat who has been disturbing his slumber by constantly singing loudly.
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