Indictment: The McMartin Trial is a gripping drama/thriller TV movie based on the true story of the infamous McMartin trial in Los Angeles, California. The film explores the devastating effects of suspected child abuse allegations and the ensuing justice system failure. It delves into themes of alleged pedophilia, paranoia, conflict of interest, and the sensationalist press frenzy that surrounded the case. The plot revolves around a preschool and the accusations of implied sexual abuse, with the story taking place in the backdrop of a front-page newspaper scandal. The movie highlights the struggles faced by the accused and the emotional toll it takes on the lives of innocent people.
Woodstock teen, Rosie, mourning the first anniversary of her younger sister's death discovers the mysterious man who sexploited and bullied her sister to commit suicide is back on-line trolling for new victims. After the authorities refuse to get involved she finds a darkness she never knew she had when she takes justice into her own hands.
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