Breathe is a gripping drama that follows the story of a teenage girl who becomes entangled in a web of betrayal, murder, and psychological torment after her friendship with a classmate takes a sinister turn. Set against the backdrop of a high school, the film explores themes of friendship conflict, humiliation, and the devastating consequences of lies and betrayal. As the protagonist's world unravels, she must navigate a troubling path filled with danger and uncertainty.
Left Bank is a psychological thriller about an athlete named Marie who moves to Antwerp to live with her boyfriend, Bobby. She soon becomes fascinated with a nearby apartment complex known as Left Bank. As Marie explores the building and its inhabitants, she begins to uncover a dark and sinister secret that threatens her own sanity and well-being.
Delve into the ancient roots and cultural traditions that have made Halloween a beloved holiday, from its pagan beginnings to modern-day celebrations.
Seville, November 1, 1990. Tenorio goes out of his grave, as every year. Similarly, Juan Marquina, a great actor, makes the general rehearsal of a musical version of the play. Since that moment, two worlds come together in a circle of adventures, facing both Don Juans, helped by four beautiful women with decisive influence on their destinies.
Night Watch takes place in the streets of Buenos Aires and explores the intersecting lives of police inspectors and male prostitutes. The story delves into themes of homosexuality, prostitution, drugs, and homelessness, all unfolding during the night shift. It follows the characters as they navigate the city's dark underbelly, encountering hallucinations, ghostly encounters, and a variety of dangerous situations.
In the wake of Dia Day Los Muertos, a young couple has 24 hours to decide if their love should live or die. With Sue afraid of love and Joey afraid of not figuring out what he did wrong in the first place, the couple is swept away by the intoxication of Dia De Los Muertos where the dead walk the earth for a day and where phantoms of Sue's past may force Joey to end up on the altar as well.
It's All Saints' Day. Bérénice criss-crosses the city. Flowers must be found for the grave. Her son Sacha has other projects. Too bad. Flowers must be found for the grave.
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