Creamerie is a comedy TV show set in a post-apocalyptic future where a global pandemic has wiped out all men. Three women - Jane, Joan, and Jean - form an unexpected alliance and create a makeshift community called Creamerie to survive in this new world. Together, they face various challenges and navigate the complexities of their unusual circumstances, all while trying to maintain their sanity and find a sense of normalcy.
In Cat-Women of the Moon, a group of female astronauts travels to the moon and encounters a society of catwomen. The catwomen have psychic powers and a desire for world domination. The astronauts must find a way to escape and stop the catwomen from achieving their evil plans.
When a rocketship expedition to the Moon goes awry, the crew discovers a hidden alien civilization. They must navigate treacherous caves, fight off rock monsters, and confront an all-female society as they try to survive and find a way back home.
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