Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is a superhero animated movie based on the DC Comics characters. The film follows the Justice League as they confront an alien invasion from Apokolips and engage in epic battles to protect the Earth.
In Battle of the Worlds, a group of scientists races against time to save Earth from an impending disaster. As they observe increasing radioactivity and changes in climate, they discover that an asteroid is heading towards Earth. With the help of a spaceship and advanced technology, they embark on a mission to stop the asteroid and protect the planet. Along the way, they encounter flying saucers, a Mars base, and a race against time. Will they be able to save Earth from destruction?
The film follows the adventures of Baron Munchausen, who is prompted to travel to the moon by his cousin Sirius, an astrologer convinced that it is inhabited by an ancient race called the Selenites. The Selentites incidentally possess the secret of immortality. The Baron takes up his cousin's offer and travels to the moon using a tall masted ship pulled by three hot air balloons and he is aided by his super-ability friends (who are from the prequel to this film, The Fabulous Adventures of the Legendary Baron Munchausen). When they reach the moon, they are initially placed in jeopardy as their craft lands in a crater and they fall into a subterranean sea inhabited by monsters...
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