In a post-apocalyptic world, humanity is on the verge of extinction due to parasitic creatures known as Gastrea. The only hope lies in the specialized organizations known as Civil Security Agencies, equipped with Varanium weapons to fight against these creatures. Rentaro Satomi, a young boy and member of the Agency, teams up with the Enju, a cursed girl, to protect what is left of humanity.
In the sequel to Species, an astronaut is infected with alien DNA while on a mission to Mars. He returns to Earth and starts a killing spree, transforming into a deadly sexual predator. A team of scientists and mercenaries must race against time to stop him before he can mate and create a new species.
In Alien Nation, a humanoid race arrives on Earth as refugees and must learn to live among humans. When a police officer and his alien partner uncover a conspiracy, they must navigate the tensions and prejudices of their society to solve the case.
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