A suburban family's peaceful existence is threatened by an ancient and malevolent force after a series of strange occurrences start happening around their home. As their lives are turned upside down, they must uncover the truth behind these haunting events and fight to protect their family from a sinister presence.
Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story is a documentary about the life of Stan Romanek, who claims to have had numerous encounters with extraterrestrial beings. The film explores his experiences with alien abductions, government conspiracy, and the paranormal phenomenon surrounding his life. Throughout the documentary, Romanek provides evidence such as videos and photos of his encounters, as well as his own personal accounts of the strange occurrences. The film raises questions about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the implications it may have for humanity.
Recovered footage and self-filmed documentary that journals a UFO sighting and possible abduction. This found footage film will test even those with the most open-minded beliefs. Is "The Rejected" actual proof of aliens on Earth or is this an elaborate hoax? We let you decide.
Hacked footage reveals mysterious events surrounding the abduction of four teenagers.
LA Marzulli examines the leading questions about UFOs, entities, and related unexplained mysteries in this video documentary, with special guest Dr. Roger Leir, the surgeon who has removed implants from 16 patients.
Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? Countless individuals have very real memories of being taken secretly against their will by Alien entities. What is the depth to this conspiracy and what do the government and military factions know?
Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what are the Torah Codes saying about the moon? What about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true - that we are entering a period where there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines - including signs in the skies and the heavens. L.A. Marzulli offers brilliant comment as well as interview experts on this volume. Including: Chuck Missler, Rabbi Aaron Parry, Stan Deyo and Jim Wilhelmsen, Marshall Masters and Dr. Roger Leir will also give us his update on alien implants.
L.A. Marzulli continues with Dr. Leir's latest implant tests, and on to Texas where we probe into the Nephilim. The latest Torah Codes, as well as an exclusive interview with Jonathan Daniels from the Knesset, and finally -- what it is like to die and go to hell?
Watchers series continues with new topics. - The Two Suns - Moon Update - The Torah Codes - Alien Implant Update - The Unexplained - Ancient Texts - The Arab Spring - The Hopi Indian Prophecies - The Shroud of Turin
An unseen alien manipulates the mind of a drug addict, forcing him to commit acts which he cannot recall later.
The Watchers series has reached new, extraordinary heights, presenting one thrilling segment after another. LA Marzulli and Richard Shaw's ongoing adventures continue with the story of black-eyed children who appear at hotels and car windows, even on boats at sea! They appear with a singular purpose—they want to be invited in! Demons? Alien hybrids? Urban legends? Speaking of legends, our host interviews the leading expert on The Spear of Destiny, the weapon that pierced the side of Christ and supposedly gives its owner the power to rule the world. What significance does the word OBAMA have in the Bible codes, referencing the Gog and Magog war? And what secrets does the North Pole hold? Were Admiral Byrd and Adolf Hitler's suspicions right? Is the Hollow Earth theory credible? There's even more—the latest news from Israel—an interview with David Brennan, author of the Israel Omen—Russian UFOs and new, laboratory revelations from alien implant physician, Dr. Leir.
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