Urusei Yatsura follows the story of Ataru Moroboshi, a young man who becomes the target of an alien entity named Lum. Lum, a beautiful alien girl with tiger-striped bikini and electrical powers, declares that she will marry Ataru. The series revolves around Ataru's attempts to fend off Lum's advances while dealing with various other extraterrestrial encounters. With a love triangle, slapstick comedy, and sci-fi elements, Urusei Yatsura is a hilarious and entertaining TV show loved by many.
Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem is a musical adventure in space, where a band of aliens kidnaps a famous Earth musician and takes him on a journey to their home planet.
Lloyd, a teenager living in outer space, goes on adventures with his alien friends and deals with various challenges and humorous situations.
As the year 3000 approaches, a war-torn Solar System is invaded by the Imperial Alliance in search of a supreme being, the F-01. The experimental X Bomber spacecraft with its young crew must discover the secret of F-01 and turn it against the Imperial Alliance or all will be lost.
How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a surreal and psychedelic movie set in 1970s London. It follows a punk teenager who falls in love with a female humanoid alien. The movie explores themes of forbidden love, alien disguises, and the punk rock scene of the time.
In a dystopian England, aliens live among humans and are treated with hostility. Lewis Garvey, a border control agent, befriends a young alien girl and gets entangled in a web of drug-dealing, crime, and xenophobia.
In a small town, a black cat becomes possessed by an alien creature and starts terrorizing the community. As more people are possessed, chaos ensues, and a group of survivors must find a way to stop the cat before it destroys everything.
Set in the year 2222, impetuous, science-loving, 12-year-old Blaster helps his alien friend G.C. save her universe, with the help of their robotic dog MEL, using logic and creativity to outsmart intergalactic outlaws.
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