In the year 1972, a journalist's life takes a terrifying turn when he discovers an alien disguised as a human living amongst them. As he investigates further, he becomes entangled in a web of kidnapping, love affairs, and home invasions, all connected to the alien invasion plan. With his little son's life at stake, he must uncover the truth before it's too late.
In Starcrossed, a man finds himself falling in love with an alien woman who is disguised as a human. As their relationship develops, they face challenges from both humans and aliens who seek to harm them. With the Cold War as a backdrop, their love story becomes a symbol of hope and unity between different species. They must navigate culture shock, danger, and prejudice in order to be together.
In the year 1972, a journalist and his family are targeted by an evil alien disguised as a human woman. The alien invades their home and terrorizes them, leading to a horrifying and deadly confrontation.
An alien from a race dying of a disease crashes on Earth and assumes the body of a human. She then precedes to take blood from other humans to send back to her planet. Things get complicated when she starts to feel human emotions and other aliens show up to exterminate her. Her only hope lies with a curious and helpful doctor.
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