Once Upon a Time is a TV show that tells the story of Emma Swan, a young woman who is drawn into a town called Storybrooke, where the residents are actually characters from various fairy tales and folklore. As Emma uncovers the truth about her own identity and the curse that binds all the inhabitants, she must navigate the complexities of love, family, and the battle between good and evil.
Aladdin, a street urchin, falls in love with Princess Jasmine. With the help of a magical lamp, he embarks on a thrilling adventure to win her heart and defeat the evil sorcerer Jafar.
The Lion King 1½ follows Timon and Pumbaa as they navigate their lives in the animal kingdom. The story provides a humorous perspective on the events of The Lion King and reveals the untold story of the iconic duo. From their friendship to their encounters with other beloved Disney characters, Timon and Pumbaa's journey is filled with comedy, adventure, and heartwarming moments.
A street urchin, Aladdin, and a power-hungry Grand Vizier, Jafar, both want the magic lamp that grants wishes. Aladdin, with the help of a genie, disguises himself as a prince to win the heart of Princess Jasmine. Jafar, on the other hand, wants to use the lamp to become the most powerful man in the world. In the end, Aladdin defeats Jafar and chooses love over power.
Disney's House of Mouse is a television show set in the House of Mouse, a nightclub for all Disney characters. Mickey and his friends run the club and entertain the guests with movies, cartoons, and other Disney-related content. The show follows the adventures and mishaps that occur in the club, providing an entertaining and humorous glimpse into the world of Disney.
In the fictional city of Agrabah, a street urchin named Aladdin and a Grand Vizier named Jafar both seek a magical lamp with the power to grant wishes. Aladdin, with the help of a genie, uses his wit and courage to win over Princess Jasmine and defeat Jafar.
On Disney's 100th anniversary, beloved Disney characters come together for a group photo to celebrate. Exciting interactions and gags occur as they prepare for the photo. Despite setbacks, the group manages to take the photo, ending with a heartfelt thank you to all who imagined, laughed, and dreamed with Disney.
After being defeated by Aladdin, Jafar returns in his quest for revenge and plots to regain his magical powers using a magical object. Aladdin and his friends must once again stop Jafar and save the kingdom from his evil plans.
When Aladdin and Princess Jasmine are about to get married, Aladdin's past comes back to haunt him. The notorious King of Thieves seeks the legendary Hand of Midas, and it's up to Aladdin and his friends to stop him.
Arabian Nights is a two-part TV movie that tells the story of Arabian Nights, an ancient Middle Eastern tale. It follows the adventures of Scheherazade, a brave and clever woman who must tell stories to an evil sultan in order to stay alive. Along the way, she encounters characters like Aladdin, Ali Baba, and a magical lamp. The movie explores themes of magic, adventure, and the test of character.
Mickey and his friends are having a magical Christmas celebration at the House of Mouse when a snowstorm traps them inside. They have to work together to ensure everyone has a memorable holiday.
When the Disney villains takeover the House of Mouse on Halloween night, Mickey and his friends must find a way to reclaim their beloved club.
Shahrazad travels through desert searching for the man she loves and who she believes she has lost forever. She arrives at a castle, the home of a prince who kills anyone who dares enter. She convinces the prince to grant her one night to tell him a story, their story, a story that lasts one thousand and one nights...
Alif Laila is a TV show based on Arabian Nights. It is an adventurous and dramatic fantasy story that revolves around Arab characters, genies, and folk tales like Sinbad and Aladdin.
Aladin is a young college student who discovers a magical lamp containing a genie. With the help of the genie, Aladin embarks on a journey filled with wishes, romance, and challenges. Along the way, he must face an evil force and prove himself to be an unlikely hero.
In the ancient city of Agrabah, young Aladdin stumbles upon a magical lamp that holds a powerful genie. With the genie's help, Aladdin must navigate through dangerous encounters, confront evil forces, and find the courage to save his love and the kingdom.
The Adventures of Prince Achmed is a silent animated adventure film from 1926. The film follows the story of Prince Achmed as he embarks on a journey to distant lands, encountering mythical creatures, sorcerers, and a magical flying horse along the way. The film is known for its innovative silhouette animation technique.
In the movie 'Adventures of Aladdin', a young man named Aladdin finds a magical lamp containing a genie who grants him three wishes. With the help of the genie, Aladdin embarks on a thrilling adventure to win the heart of a princess and defeat an evil sorcerer.
Iznogoud is a movie about a scheming advisor to the sultan who constantly tries to seize power for himself. He comes up with various plots and plans, often involving magical artifacts, to try and become the new caliph.
Arabian Nights (1942) tells the story of a courageous adventurer who must rescue a damsel in distress and unravel the treacheries of the caliph's court in order to save the kingdom. With breathtaking action scenes, heartwarming romance, and unexpected twists, this movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.