In the enchanting world of ancient times, a young sailor embarks on a perilous sea voyage, encountering a freak show, a flying carpet, and a seductive princess. Along the way, he must navigate treacherous betrayals, dangerous monsters, and a forbidden romance. Will he discover hidden treasures and find true love, or will he be buried alive in the tower of an evil queen?
This documentary explores the journey of the Backstreet Boys, a well-known boy band, as they reunite and reveal their struggles, triumphs, and dedication to their music.
Princess Avali flees her early coronation to Utah, meeting Anderson, a star's lookalike; a viral video causes a comedic identity mix up with the star and his manager.
Fans forever love Will Smith who are reassured they will always be entertained. Follow the journey of this fascinating actor, producer, husband, father, who has the WILL to win.
Set in ancient China, an aimless young man falls in love with the Emperor's beautiful daughter, and goes on a journey with his supposedly long-lost uncle to find riches.
Aladdin is a child laborer who works for a guy that exchanges "new lamps for old". This guy swaps a "new" lamp for 2-3 replacement old lamps, then brings back the old lamps for Aladdin to polish and make look like new. One day Aladdin sees a princess riding by as he looks out the window, and he falls for her. But then he must return to his lamp polishing...
The story of Aladin is one of the most beautiful and well known fairy tales from "the Arabian nights". Aladin is the son of a poor tailor. But with the help of Dschinni, a friendly ghost, he achieves luck and wealth. And since this is a fairy tale, he marries the sultan’s beautiful daughter in the end.
Alex is annoyed when he loses out on being picked as class president. When visiting a local antique shop he finds a magic lamp, with three singing Genies, who grant him three magical wishes.
The story of Abraham Lincoln's presidency told from the perspective of his son, Tad.
A slum boy, who steals from the rich to help the poor, keeps scheming against a powerful man. After he finds a magical lamp, which the man had been seeking, he thwarts the man's attempts to abduct him.
Spanky and Alfalfa want to do a show based on the "Aladdin's Lamp" story with Darla in the cast, but Darla doesn't want to participate.
A soldier discovers a button made from Aladdin's lamp grants wishes when rubbed.
George Pal animation short of the fable of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.
Deleted scene from a version prior to Disney's "Fantasía 2000", when it was known as "Fantasía II" created in 1992. The animated film is set to music with the iconic song "Pomp and Circumstance" by Edward Elgar. In this unfinished short film lost for several decades, six Disney princesses become mothers simultaneously.
Tells the tale of Aladdin a young naughty boy with brains. One day a sorcerrer came up to him and admitted that he was his father. He brought Aladdin into a cave to accompany him in getting a lamp in the cave. Aladdin just followed his orders. As he got hold of the lamp he was hypnotized by it and couldn't get his eyes off of it. As the sorcerrer screamed to Aladdin to pass him the light Aladdin resisted and he was buried in the cave as the cave came down on him. To Aladdin's surprise there was a Genie in the lamp and requested his wishes to return home. Aladdin had three wishes to be made. What will his three wishes be?
Adam Jacobs was the original "Aladdin" in Disney's smash Broadway musical, with a list of other hits like Les Miserables and Something Rotten, but this docu-concert – filmed as a special one-night-only performance – explores his emotional personal journey, from growing up as a Filipino American in California to landing the role of a lifetime.
A soldier's tunic button, made from Aladdin's lamp, grants his wishes.
A live film recording of Disney's hit Broadway musical based on their classic 1992 animated film. Filmed at the Prince Edward Theatre in London's West End.
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