What's Up Doc? is a hilarious and surreal animated movie that tells the story of a hilarious rise to fame in show business. The movie follows the main character, an anthropomorphic rabbit, as he navigates through various challenges and obstacles on his journey to stardom. With its comedic and surreal elements, the movie provides entertainment for both kids and adults.
In 'Swooner Crooner,' Porky Pig is a farmer who suddenly becomes a famous singer after a bird swoons over his voice. Chaos ensues as the bird tries to help Porky reach stardom while laying eggs, and the two get caught up in an assembly line at a defense plant. This Merrie Melodies cartoon is a humorous spoof of famous crooners like Al Jolson, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra, with plenty of slapstick comedy and surreal moments.
The rain is outdoors; the action is indoors, in a grocery store, where the characters on product labels come to life.
Porky, a talent scout for "Goode and Korney Talent Agency," auditions various acts. A final gag has a wolf performing this "stupendous act" where he wears a devil hat, cape and the like, drinks nitroglycerin, gasoline and other explosive stuff, then swallows a match. KABOOM! Porky thinks that the act is really good until the wolf's ghost comes in and says that there's a catch... "I can only do it once!"(Source: bcdb.com)
A series of vignettes with a loose plot. Featured are Frank Morgan, Groucho Marx, Frank McHugh, Robert Benchley and The Brian Sisters. Not bad, more interesting for the historical significance than for entertainment.
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