Ginga Legend Weed (2005) follows the story of Weed, a courageous dog who embarks on a thrilling adventure to protect his pack and seek justice. With his trusty canine friends by his side, Weed must overcome numerous challenges, including intense dog fights and dangerous enemies. Based on a manga, this anime adaptation captivates audiences with its compelling storyline and heartwarming portrayal of a dog as the protagonist.
Silver Fang follows the story of a young male protagonist and his loyal dog as they face the challenges of the wilderness, including dog fights, bear encounters, and the ultimate battle for survival. Set against a backdrop of snow and mountains, this anime adaptation is based on the popular manga.
Professor Wilson finds an Akita puppy and forms a deep bond with him. The dog, Hachi, waits at the train station every day for his deceased owner, teaching love and loyalty to those around him.
The story follows the protagonist who wakes up one day transformed as Pochita, a pet dog of his cool and beautiful classmate Karen Inukai.
In 1924, Hachiko, an Akita dog, is adopted by a professor and they develop a strong bond. Every day, Hachiko accompanies his owner to the train station and waits for him to return from work. However, one day, the professor suddenly passes away, leaving Hachiko waiting for him at the station for nearly 10 years.
Marmaduke, a mischievous Great Dane, moves to Orange County, California with his family. With his playful and clumsy nature, Marmaduke causes chaos and often gets into trouble. As he tries to fit in and navigate the challenges of a new neighborhood, hilarious adventures unfold. Will Marmaduke learn to be a well-behaved dog or will his antics continue to create mayhem?
An abandoned car is discovered near a camping ground and inside it is the body of an identified middle-aged man and a dog who seems to have died months later. This is the story of the life of the loving and faithful dog and his owner told from the dog's point of view. City hall employee Kyousuke Okutsu is assigned to uncover the man's identity for a proper funeral. As he investigates the situation, he remembers his late family and his own dog's unfailing loyalty.
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