The Spirit of St. Louis (1957) tells the story of Charles Lindbergh's daring solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. In the face of numerous challenges and dangers, Lindbergh embarks on an epic journey to become the first person to fly non-stop from New York to Paris. The movie captures the excitement, drama, and triumph of this historic feat.
Director William A. Wellman adds another to his long line of salutes-to-aviation films in this bio of an aviation pioneer, John Montgomery (Glenn Ford.) In 1883 he built a practical glider despite the opposition of his friends, who thought he was crazy, and of his family, who were afraid that his dreams of flying would hurt his father's political ambitions. He pursues his education at Santa Clara University where the Jesuits lend a helping and understanding hand. An earthquake destroys what appears to be a working model for an airplane, but a gold-sorting machine Montgomery invented, and then neglected, promises to provide for his financial needs to keep working on his aircraft until he gets involved in costly lawsuits defending his invention.
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