The Bridges at Toko-Ri is a movie set during the Korean War, following a naval pilot who is torn between his family and his duty. The movie explores the inner conflicts and sacrifices made by individuals in the face of war. It showcases the challenges faced by the pilot and his relationship with his wife, as well as the dangers and emotional toll of aerial combat.
In Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, a group of bomber pilots embark on a secret mission to attack Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack. They face numerous challenges and dangers as they fly over the ocean and carry out their mission.
This documentary, filmed entirely by military photographers, recounts the U.S. Navy's 1946-47 expedition to Antarctica, known as Operation High Jump. The expedition was under the overall command of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, no stranger to the Antarctic. This was a large undertaking involving 13 ships and over 4000 thousand men. The fleet departed from Norfolk, Virginia traveling through the Panama canal and then southward to their final destination. The trip through the ice pack was fraught with danger and forced the submarine that was part of the fleet to withdraw. The trip was a success meeting all of its scientific goals.
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