Earth: Muted is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the effects of human actions on the environment, specifically focusing on the decline of biodiversity. Through captivating storytelling and intimate character-driven narratives, the film sheds light on the urgent need to address issues such as climate change and the preservation of natural resources. It serves as a wake-up call for individuals and families to reevaluate their relationship with the planet and take steps towards a more sustainable future.
The landscape of the olive grove is the protagonist of the Mediterranean territory and is shown in this documentary at ground level and from a bird's eye view, in different unique locations of the Iberian Peninsula. From the Somontano de Barbastro in Aragón, to the south of Andalusia, with a sea of olive trees, in the mountain ranges or in the fertile plains and riverbanks. A humanized territory that, for centuries, has been sculpting history and this, not only giving a characteristic identity to our landscape, but also outlining the gastronomic tradition and culture of the Mediterranean.
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