The Late Shift is a comedic drama that tells the story of the intense rivalry between two late-night talk show hosts vying for the coveted position to replace Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show. Filled with humorous moments and unexpected twists, the movie explores the cutthroat world of American television and the lengths people are willing to go to achieve success.
To Let follows the story of a woman who moves to a new apartment in Barcelona, Spain. As she settles in, she encounters a traumatic and mysterious event that turns her life upside down.
Tiger Girl follows the story of a female security guard who is determined to overcome her fears and become a strong martial artist. Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships and challenges societal norms. The movie explores themes of self-defense, harassment, and the struggle against conformity.
Waldisney works as a doorman in a building where confusion is constant. However, the employee is great at maintaining a certain order. When wrongly accused of stealing something, he will need to prove that he is anything but a thief.
Adaptation of the 1963 novel by Sylvia Plath. Details a young woman's summer in New York working for a Mademoiselle-like magazine, return home to New England, and subsequent breakdown all amidst the horrors of the fifties, from news of the Rosenbergs' execution to sleazy disc jockeys and predatory college boys.
Ariel is a troubled girl with more than the usual teenage problems. When her emotion and temper get the best of her, she is drawn into a world where she can take out her anger with her fists. In the tradition of 'Girlfight' comes a wildly original story of rage and redemption.
Two guys trying to find a brothel come across a group of beautiful female zombies.
Come in. Have a drink. DIE. When Bobby accidentally kills his wife before a get together at their home, he stops at nothing to hide the evidence from the arriving guests, even if it means murder.
In 1997, the year Ellen DeGeneres comes out, John is a boy who dreams of becoming a cop. He wants to confide in his neighbor, Mr. Carter, that he is secretly in love with him. Time is of the essence as the 65-year-old heterosexual detective is moving away forever.
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