O Lucky Man! (1973) follows the journey of a young coffee salesman named Mick Travis as he embarks on a surreal and darkly comedic exploration of ambition and corruption. From encountering an evil industrialist to a touring band, Mick faces unjust incarceration, corrupted idealism, and surreal situations that challenge his beliefs. This satirical film delves into themes of power, greed, and the absurdity of modern society.
When We Were Kings is a captivating documentary that explores the thrilling story of the Rumble in the Jungle, a historic boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. Set in Zaire in 1974, the film showcases Ali's incredible charisma and the underdog story of him reclaiming the heavyweight title against the heavily favored Foreman. With energetic performances and powerful anecdotes, the film captures the spirit of this iconic boxing event.
The ruthless dictator Teodoro Obiang has ruled Equatorial Guinea with an iron hand since 1979. Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is the most translated Equatoguinean writer, but he had to flee the country in 2011, after starting a hunger strike denouncing the crimes of the dictatorship. Since then, he has lived in Spain, feeling that, despite the risks, he must return and fight the monster with words.
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