Total Drama Island is a reality spoof TV show set on an island where contestants compete in dangerous stunts and face manipulation, betrayal, and competition. The show takes place at a summer camp in Ontario, Canada and features flash animation. The contestants must survive various challenges, including a crash landing, shark encounters, and animal cruelty. The show combines humor and satire to create a fictional reality TV experience.
Edgemont is a drama series that follows the lives of teenagers navigating the challenges of high school in Vancouver. The show explores various social issues such as interracial relationships, teen pregnancy, and the struggles of teenage motherhood.
Some up-and-coming comics explore friendship, race, masculinity, and more throught the sketches they perform across the country.The series stars Guled Abdi, Vance Banzo, Tim Blair and Franco Nguyen.
A collection of nude and/or topless scenes from various films featuring actresses who were either famous at the time or who became famous later on.
A group of stranded women form a bond as they navigate through the wilderness. They find themselves in various situations including car trouble, bird watching, and encountering Mohawk Indians. Through friendship and improvisation, they overcome challenges and discover the beauty of the rural setting.
Darren, a black man who has had enough of dating white women, meets a quirky and talented indie musician named Malibu. As their friendship develops, Darren must confront his fear of commitment and decide if he is ready for a real relationship.
This 1996 documentary takes a nostalgic ride through history to present the experiences of Black sleeping-car porters who worked on Canada's railways from the early 1900s through the 1960s. There was a strong sense of pride among these men and they were well-respected by their community. Yet, harsh working conditions prevented them from being promoted to other railway jobs until finally, in 1955, porter Lee Williams took his fight to the union.
An urban love story about the soul of a mother, the heart of a fighter, and the faith of a child.
A priest goes to great lengths in an effort to get a teenage prostitute off the streets.
Show Girls celebrates Montreal's swinging Black jazz scene from the 1920s to the 1960s, when the city was wide open. Three women who danced in the legendary Black clubs of the day - Rockhead's Paradise, The Terminal, Café St. Michel - share their unforgettable memories of life at the centre of one of the world's hottest jazz spots. From the Roaring Twenties, through the Second World War and on into the golden era of clubs in the fifties and sixities, Show Girls chronicles the lives of Bernice, Tina and Olga - mixing their memories with rarely seen footage of the era.
Outrageous! (1977) follows a female impersonator named Robin Turner who befriends a schizophrenic hairdresser named Liza Conners. The two form a close bond as they navigate the challenges of living in Toronto, Canada, and pursuing their dreams in the world of drag. The film explores themes of identity, friendship, and the struggles faced by the LGBTQ+ community. The story takes a tragic turn when a former psychiatric patient Robin encountered in the hospital reappears in his life, leading to a dramatic and emotional climax.
This new CBC documentary series uses contemporary interviews and archival footage to chronicle Canada’s long history of anti-Black racism, including episodes on police brutality and the rise of hip-hop music.
Speakers for the Dead is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the dark history of a small town in Ontario, Canada, where grave desecration and displacement of the African-Canadian community took place. The film sheds light on the racism, prejudice, and grave violations that occurred in the town's cemetery, exposing the painful past that has been largely forgotten.
Seventeen year old Izzy Marks lives in Toronto with her divorced mother and finds her life boring and directionless. Meant to be a sequel to Don Owen's acclaimed 1964 film "Nobody Waved Good-bye", "Unfinished Business" looks at life two decades later for Peter and Julie's (Peter Kastner and Julie Biggs) daughter Isabelle "Izzy" Marks (Isabelle Mejias). Curious, funny and intelligent, 17 year old Izzy feels the frustrations of her limiting environment and the pull of a more exciting, larger world. She meets passionate anarchist wannabe Jessie 'Fixit' (Peter Spence) and is quickly drawn into his free living alternative lifestyle. Much to the displeasure of her once free-thinking parents and friends.
In a desperate bid to take the guesswork out of finding a girlfriend, a faceless, voiceless, but obviously intrepid interviewer decides to make a job of it.
The history of Canada's black population.
Life in the housing projects of Scarborough, Ontario, Canada is documented.
The National Film Board of Canada was one of the guiding forces behind Sitting in Limbo. Fabian Gibbs plays a black Montreal college student forced to leave school when his girlfriend Pat Dillon becomes pregnant. Gibbs resents this interruption in his plans, but he becomes a very good provider. The responsibilities of parenthood, alas, irreparably damage the boy-girl relationship. Filmed in a quasidocumentary manner, Sitting in Limbo seems predestined to win film festival awards--as indeed it has.
Cassandra Jones is a young woman from Toronto with a very active imagination and unique view of the world. Feeling trapped by life in her low-income community, and unable to relate to her brother Patrick, a petty criminal, or her overly pious mother, Mary, Cassandra decides to leave Toronto. She applies and is accepted into an exchange program between Quebec and West Africa. When she reaches her Quebec destination, a pig farm, she encounters, Sylvie Leblanc, a woman in need of change, her husband, Luc Leblanc, a man afraid of change and Abdoulaye Diallo, her African exchange counter-part, a man who regrets his decision to seek change. Because none of her expectations are met, Cassandra quickly becomes unhappy on the farm. Her presence creates plenty of tension, much of it humorous. A surprising conclusion comes about after a roller-coaster series of events.