Curiosa is a biographical drama set in Paris in the 1890s, following the story of a woman exploring her sexuality through erotic and nude photography. The film delves into the complexities of relationships, sexual tension, and the exploration of desires. Inspired by a true story, it offers a unique perspective on love, passion, and the boundaries of societal norms.
The Circle (1925) tells the story of a love triangle involving an aristocratic family. The plot revolves around the husband's affair with his best friend's wife and the consequences it has on their family. Set in the 1890s, the film explores themes of family abandonment, romantic rivalry, and tough decisions.
Life at the Top (1965) is a drama film based on a novel, following the story of a socialite dealing with class snobbery, infidelity, and her struggles in life.
After an accident, a motorcycle racer falls into a coma, causing hopes and intrigues in those close to him.
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