Set in a dystopian near-future Japan, a dog-flu virus spreads, leading to all dogs being banished to Trash Island. The orphaned nephew of the authoritarian mayor sets off on a quest to find his lost dog, with the help of a pack of dogs led by Chief. Along the way, they encounter cannibal dogs, a conspiracy, and the fight to save the canine population. Ultimately, they succeed in exposing the corruption, finding a cure, and reintegrating dogs into society.
In a remote mountain village, a group of people find themselves under attack by a horrifying creature with a single eye. As they try to survive and uncover the origin of the creature, they discover its connection to radioactivity and psychic powers.
In the Georgian mountains, a cable car connects a village with a smaller town in the valley. Iva started working for the cable car as a conductor and is now in charge of handling the gondolas. While one gondola goes up to the village, the other goes down to the valley. Halfway down, the gondolas meet every half hour. This is exactly the moment when Iva and Nina, the conductor of the other gondola, meet each time. Where at the beginning only collegial greetings were exchanged, over time a flirtation develops. What follows is the big love and stress with the boss.
A crook disguises a cat as a skunk to scare people out of a bank. Soon after, great lover Pepé Le Pew sees her and the chase is on through the French Alps.
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