The show follows the lives of two brothers, Charlie and Alan Harper, after Alan's divorce. Charlie is a bachelor who enjoys a hedonistic lifestyle, while Alan is a neurotic chiropractor. The two brothers must navigate their complicated relationships with their mother, ex-wives, and Alan's son, all while living together in Malibu, California.
Set in 1960s New York City, Mad Men follows the lives of advertising executives on Madison Avenue. The show explores themes of career success, identity, and personal relationships against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society.
Bewitched follows the life of Samantha, a witch who marries an advertising executive named Darrin and tries to live a normal suburban life, despite her magical powers. The show explores the humorous and often chaotic situations that arise from Samantha's magical abilities and her attempts to keep her witchcraft a secret.
Melrose Place is a TV show set in an upscale apartment complex in Beverly Hills, California. The storyline revolves around the lives and relationships of a group of young adults living in the complex. The show explores themes of love, friendship, rivalry, revenge, and manipulation. With its soap opera-style drama and intriguing characters, Melrose Place became a cult TV show in the 1990s, captivating audiences with its guilty pleasure melodrama.
Saturday Night Live is a sketch comedy show that has been on the air since 1975. It features a live studio audience and includes a variety of comedic sketches, parody commercials, and musical performances. The show is known for its recurring characters, running gags, and celebrity impersonations. It often satirizes current events, pop culture, and politics.
Join host Wil Anderson, stalwarts Todd Sampson and Russel Howcroft and other advertising industry experts to unpick the ways we're all bought and sold.
Who's the Boss? is a sitcom TV show that revolves around Tony Micelli, a former professional baseball player who becomes a housekeeper for Angela Bower, a successful advertising executive and single mother. Together, they navigate the challenges of their unconventional arrangement while forming a unique bond with each other and their respective families.
In an alternate New York City protected by a band of superheroes called NEXT, veteran Wild Tiger is forced to team up with rookie Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Set in the early 1900s, Mr Selfridge follows the story of an American businessman named Harry Selfridge as he opens a groundbreaking department store in London. Alongside his ambitious plans and marketing strategies, Harry must navigate personal and professional challenges in a rapidly changing society.
The Crazy Ones is a workplace sitcom that revolves around the hilarious and quirky antics of a father-daughter duo who run an advertising agency together. With their unique approach to advertising and their unconventional team, they navigate the challenges of the industry while also dealing with their own personal and professional lives.
In the 1980s, two friends find themselves without a place to live and decide to dress up as women to live in an all-female apartment building. They must navigate the challenges of their double lives and maintain their secret identities while dealing with the eccentric residents of the building.
The Unacceptable is a sitcom set in Athens during the 1990s, following the lives of a group of friends who navigate the ups and downs of relationships, careers, and social issues. The story revolves around their humorous and often outrageous escapades, highlighting the challenges of living in a rapidly changing society.
thirtysomething follows the lives of a close-knit group of friends in Philadelphia as they navigate the challenges of adulthood, including marriage, divorce, parenthood, and career struggles. The show explores the complexities of relationships and the ups and downs of life in your thirties.
Based on writer Lee Hyeon-min's original web-toon which had more than 1 million views a day when it was published on Naver, this black comedy is about the daily lives of employees in an advertisement agency and their competitive working environment.
This Baltimore-set movie follows the lives of Gigi, Janine, and Beth as they navigate the complexities of relationships and misreadings. Gigi overanalyzes men's signs of interest and seeks advice from her colleagues. Janine is paranoid about her husband's behavior and discovers a potential affair. Beth wants to get married but faces resistance from her long-term boyfriend. As their stories unfold, they learn valuable lessons about love, communication, and finding oneself.
Love Generation is a TV show set in modern Japan that explores the complexities of love and relationships. The story revolves around two young adults, Akinobu and Riko, who meet by chance and develop a deep connection. However, their relationship is put to the test as they navigate the challenges of work, society, and their own personal struggles. With its heartfelt portrayal of love and realistic depiction of modern life, Love Generation captures the essence of contemporary romance.
Nick Marshall, a chauvinistic advertising executive, acquires the ability to hear women's thoughts. He uses this power to create successful campaigns and develop relationships with his female colleagues. As he spends time with his 15-year-old daughter and gets closer to his female boss, he begins to realize the negative impact of his behavior and the importance of respect and empathy. Eventually, he confesses his actions and seeks redemption.
Follow the comedic journey of Big Tobacco's chief spokesman, Nick Naylor, as he spins on behalf of cigarettes while navigating fatherhood. As Nick battles against Senator Finisterre's anti-smoking agenda, he also attempts to maintain a relationship with his son. With absurd cutaways and satirical humor throughout, the film highlights the deceptive tactics of the tobacco industry and the personal struggles of a lobbyist.
Free Agents is a workplace sitcom that follows the story of two coworkers, Alex and Helen, who are both recently single and torn between their personal and professional lives. As they navigate the challenges of office romance, they try to keep their emotions in check while dealing with their quirky colleagues at the advertising agency. Will they be able to find love amidst the chaos?
In a time when breakfast is ruled by milk and cereal, a fierce corporate battle begins over a revolutionary new pastry.