Seitokai Yakuindomo is a comedy anime series that follows the story of Takatoshi Tsuda, who becomes the only male student at Ousai Academy and joins the student council. He is surrounded by a group of eccentric female students who constantly engage in humorous and often provocative conversations. Together, they navigate through various school events and tackle the challenges of maintaining order and harmony within the student body.
When Casey Connor, an aspiring photographer, witnesses the murder of a nurse and sees her alive again, he decides to investigate the bizarre happenings at Herrington High School in Ohio. Along with a group of students, Casey uncovers that their teachers are being controlled by alien parasites. With the help of Zeke, a rebellious student, they discover that the parasites can be killed with a drug. The group takes down the queen alien and saves the school, returning everything back to normal.
A teenage girl begins to suspect that her babysitter is not who she seems to be, leading to a series of events that put their lives in danger.
From Beijing with Love is a 1994 action comedy film about a secret agent, Ling Ling Chat, who is sent to Beijing to recover a dinosaur skeleton stolen from the Chinese government. Along the way, he encounters double agents, a singing prostitute, and a villainous femme fatale. With hilarious antics and thrilling action sequences, Ling Ling Chat must navigate the world of espionage to complete his mission.
When a scientist accidentally douses himself with a genetic serum, he transforms into a swamp monster. He must use his new powers to protect the woman he loves from mutant creatures and save the world from an evil genius.
In Iceman, a frozen Ming Dynasty warrior is thawed in modern-day Hong Kong and must adjust to the modern world while being pursued by his enemies. With the help of a quirky cop, he must navigate through time-travel, superstition, and ancient gods to survive.
American Playboy is a TV show that explores the life and career of Hugh Hefner, from his early days as a magazine publisher to his influential role in the sexual revolution. The show delves into Hefner's personal and professional struggles, including his controversial relationships, substance abuse issues, and the social scandals surrounding Playboy.
A detective is on the hunt for a sadistic serial killer known as The New York Ripper. As he digs deeper into the case, he uncovers a world of sleaze, violence, and sexual cruelty. With a list of potential suspects and a city full of darkness, the detective must race against time to catch the killer before more victims fall prey to his sadistic nature.
In 'The Violence Action (2022)', a young girl is living a dual existence as she takes on the role of a hired assassin.
American Shaolin is about a young American named Drew who travels to China to study martial arts at a Shaolin temple. Along the way, he faces various challenges and obstacles, including a mentor-student relationship, interracial romance, and championship fights. Through hard work and determination, Drew overcomes these obstacles and becomes a skilled martial artist.
Krystal is a comedy-drama film about a teenage boy who falls in love with an older woman while dealing with his own heart condition. As he navigates the complications of this forbidden relationship, he also learns about love, family, and the challenges of growing up.
The Trip is a poignant drama about two men who embark on a road trip across America, facing their own personal demons and discovering the true meaning of love and friendship. Set in the backdrop of 1970s and 1980s, the movie explores themes of repression, homophobia, and the AIDS epidemic. As they travel from Los Angeles to Griffith Park, their bond grows stronger and they navigate through the challenges of illness, death, and societal prejudices.
Escape Clause is a thrilling murder mystery movie that follows the investigation of an insurance agent who becomes entangled in a dangerous plot. When a car is hit by a train, the agent must uncover the truth behind the accident and its connections to a hitman and a mysterious adult magazine. As the investigation intensifies, secrets of adultery, rough sex, and family relationships come to light, putting a child in jeopardy. With the help of the police, the agent must race against time to solve the murder and protect those he cares about.
Set in 1980s Mexico City, This Is Not Berlin follows a teenager named Carlos who is introduced to the underground art scene and explores themes of identity, sexuality, and rebellion.
When a love god comes to Earth, chaos ensues as he tries to spread love and find his own true love.
Cold Weather follows a former forensic science major and aspiring detective who becomes embroiled in a mystery when his ex-girlfriend goes missing. Together with his sister and a friend, they must use their skills to crack the code and find her.
In The Centerfold Girls, a group of models find themselves in danger when they become targets of a sadistic serial killer. As they try to escape, they face a series of terrifying and gruesome murders. Can they survive and stop the killer before it's too late?
Bruce Lee (Bruce Li) is assigned to go undercover as Lee Min-Chin to investigate a drug ring. The mob hires an assassin to kill him. They are both great at what they do; as they fight to the death only one will come out alive.
Ghosts... of the Civil Dead is a dark and intense crime drama that takes place within the walls of a maximum-security prison. It explores themes of violence, death, and the daily struggles of life behind bars. The plot follows a group of inmates who navigate the harsh reality of prison life, dealing with boredom, verbal abuse, and the constant threat of physical harm. As tensions rise, the line between sanity and madness becomes blurred, leading to devastating consequences.
A gang of teenagers accidentally inherits a bag of drugs. They try to sell them back to their original gangster owners, but when that goes awry, they are reluctantly drawn into a protracted and bloody gang war. Meanwhile, they are neglected at home, and must deal with family abuse as well as the gangsters.