Toy Porno (also known as Toy P) is a self-released experimental art film by The Frogs. The amateur videotape was compiled in October 1993, as a gift for Kurt Cobain. It would soon become frequent viewing material on the Nirvana tour bus, and later on the Foo Fighters tour bus as well. Later, after generated copies began circulating amongst fans, the band began selling copies at shows. The tape is only available in VHS format. The band plans to release a DVD version but want to digitally re-create the compilation from the original masters and need time and funds to do so.The file is available for download online in AVI format through various outlets.
The story follows a man living in Joburg city who helps a stranded woman, throughout the night, they reveal pieces of themselves.
A documentary feature film which aims to expand the usually one-sided conversation between students and teachers. During its runtime, raw experiences heard from all sides of the conversation are laid bare during its 77 minute runtime. From all of these interviewees, including a student, a school psychiatrist, and five teachers, the viewer shouldn't expect to be confronted with a narrow perspective but rather a question: "where do I stand?"
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