In 1920s Los Angeles, a young girl named Alexandria befriends Roy, a bedridden patient in a hospital, who tells her a captivating story set on a desert island. The story involves a group of prisoners seeking revenge on Governor Odious. As the story unfolds, Alexandria becomes immersed in the tale, but the line between fiction and reality begins to blur. Through the power of storytelling, both Roy and Alexandria find solace and hope in the face of their own personal struggles.
In 1963 Texas, a young boy is abducted by an escaped convict who takes him on a road trip. As they journey together, the boy forms a bond with the convict and experiences both the dangers and the compassion of the outside world. They are pursued by a Texas Ranger, leading to a tragic end.
In 1989 Prague, a middle-aged cellist named Louka who finds himself in financial trouble agrees to a fake marriage with a Russian woman in order to get money. However, the plan takes an unexpected turn when the woman leaves the country and he is left to take care of her five-year-old son. As Louka forms a bond with the boy and navigates through cultural differences and personal struggles, he learns about the true meaning of responsibility and family.
Set in Prague, Czechoslovakia, this expressionist drama follows the parallel lives of a wheelchair-bound artist and a sick child, both finding solace and rejuvenation through their relationship with a racing pigeon named The White Dove.
Vaarala, a reserved romantic photographer, has an odd artistic vision of loneliness: he takes serial photos of an empty park bench in remote spaces of nature. When he meets and falls in love with the spirited, unruly Ansa, his ‘bench’ is suddenly filled. But in order to be with her he has to not only overcome his own frailties, but also the impending danger of Ansa’s volatile ex-con ex, and then Ansa herself, a woman prone to impulsiveness and impetuousness.
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