Close Enough is a surreal animated sitcom that follows the lives of a young couple, Josh and Emily, and their daughter Candice. They navigate the challenges of parenthood, marriage, and the ups and downs of adult life, all while living in a world filled with surrealism and strange happenings. With its quirky humor and relatable situations, Close Enough provides a unique and comedic look at the struggles of balancing work, relationships, and raising a child.
Secret Lives is a compelling TV show that delves into the intricate web of relationships within a dysfunctional family. Set in the backdrop of Finland, it explores themes such as alcoholism, divorce, family feuds, and homosexuality. Love triangles, seduction, and intrigue add to the drama, while a series of explosive events, including kidnappings and mistaken identities, keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With an ensemble cast, Secret Lives takes audiences on a rollercoaster of emotions, unraveling the secrets that each character hides.
Move to Heaven is a drama TV show that explores the heartfelt journey of a mourner and his autistic nephew. Together, they discover life lessons through untold stories, ultimately finding healing and growth. Based on a novel, this emotional series highlights the importance of family and the transformative power of relationships.
When Haru Kaidou's mother asks him to take care of his stepbrother Ren, they begin to develop a deep bond as they navigate through the challenges of their relationship and personal growth.
A young dragon looking for his own fire must fight against an evil wizard with help of the beautiful ice princess, Lilli.
Audible is a documentary film that follows a high school football team as they navigate their way through challenges and triumphs. The story focuses on the team's ability to communicate and succeed despite their individual obstacles. With a strong emphasis on perseverance and determination, Audible showcases the power of teamwork and the transformative power of sports.
Aurelio and Maruja are a couple who has a fancy restaurant. Both have to take care of his godson Miguel as his father, the cook of the restaurant, flees from justice after having killed his wife because she was unfaithful. Miguel, a handsome young man, tricks Maruja and leaves her pregnant.
A parody of popular teen TV dramas such as "Beverly Hills, 90210," "Dawson's Creek," and "Laguna Beach."
A man and a woman adopt a child in pieces. But the choice of pieces is not easy and the long-awaited child will not be as perfect as it should have been. Experimental animated short by Philippe Grammaticopoulos
In this one minute film, a gay victim of domestic violence remains silent; finding himself powerless as the cycle of abuse has expanded to include his son.
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