The Penthouse (2020) follows the lives of wealthy families living in Hera Palace, a luxurious penthouse in Seoul. With a hidden agenda, a web of drama and mystery unfolds as these families navigate their tangled relationships, betrayals, revenge, and murder. Secrets are uncovered, and each character is pushed to their limits, leading to shocking and unexpected events.
When Haru Kaidou's mother asks him to take care of his stepbrother Ren, they begin to develop a deep bond as they navigate through the challenges of their relationship and personal growth.
When a series of earth-shaking changes threaten their peaceful existence, Littlefoot and his friends set out on a daring quest to find a legendary valley rumored to be untouched by the changes. Along the way, they encounter dangerous predators, make new friends, and learn valuable lessons about friendship and family.
Both Xie Yan and Shu Nian are still unable to deal with their feelings for each other, but Xie Yan realizes that Shu Nian is the one for him, but Shu Nian continues to hide from Xie Yan. Shu Nian is later fired by Xie Yan's father. Devastated that his father has sent Shu Nian away, Xie Yan's relationship with his father sours, particularly since the older Xie already knew about the relationship between Xie Yan and Shu Nian.
Henri est convaincu que Lise, sa nouvelle et jeune femme, l’aime sincèrement. Henri est aussi convaincu que Sam, le témoin de leur mariage, est le frère de Lise. La machination est parfaite. Enfin presque...
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