Mistress (1992) is a dark comedy film that follows a struggling screenwriter who becomes involved with a wealthy financier and his mistress. As he tries to further his career in Hollywood, he finds himself entangled in a web of lust, greed, and blackmail. The film explores themes of compromise, the price of fame, and the often dark and twisted nature of the entertainment industry.
When a corrupt government official conspires to assassinate the President, a lone escapee must take on a powerful group of villains to save the day. With thrilling fight scenes, intense car chases, and a race against time, Executive Target is a heart-pounding action movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Jesse Gavin is an undercover cop, part of an elite police team and highly skilled in lethal martial arts! She is suspended from the force after a witness that she was supposed to protect is killed. She must now find out what happened and clear up her name.
In a near-future world, where virtual reality and cybersex have become the norm, a police officer finds himself entangled in a dangerous criminal conspiracy. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of deceit and corruption that puts his life at risk. With the help of his trusted partners, he must navigate the dark underbelly of this cyberpunk society to bring the culprits to justice.
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