Quiz (2020) is a TV show that tells the story of a major scandal in the British television industry. When a contestant on a popular game show is accused of cheating, an army major and his wife find themselves at the center of a high-profile trial. The show explores themes of manipulation, conspiracy, and the murky world of television history. Based on a true story, Quiz takes viewers on a journey through a captivating courtroom drama.
The Phantom Carriage follows the story of a drunkard named David Holm who dies on New Year's Eve and is visited by the ghostly carriage of Death, which takes him on a journey through his past sins. Through a series of flashbacks, we see David's abusive behavior towards his wife and the Salvation Army's efforts to reform him. Ultimately, David is given a chance at redemption and must confront his past actions before it's too late.
Humsafar is a Pakistani drama series that revolves around the lives of Khirad and Ashar. Khirad is a simple, innocent girl who marries Ashar, a rich and handsome man. However, their marriage is marred by misunderstandings and external pressures, leading to separation and heartbreak. The show explores themes of love, self-respect, and family dynamics.
A young man moves to Chicago and becomes embroiled in the dangerous underworld of gambling and adultery.
After the death of his son, a contractor seeks revenge and uncovers a web of deception and betrayal within his own family.
Black Ice is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the dark depths of love, betrayal, and revenge. Set in Helsinki, Finland, the film follows Saara, a successful surgeon, whose seemingly perfect life takes a sinister turn when she discovers her husband's affair. Consumed by jealousy and a thirst for revenge, Saara becomes entangled in a dangerous game with her husband's mistress, leading to a shocking climax that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats.
A widowed mother named Frank takes drastic measures to ensure her teenage son doesn't get into trouble, including becoming a student at his college. Along the way, she navigates a love triangle, confronts her overprotective tendencies, and deals with family relationships and personal growth.
Ellery Queen's vacation is interrupted when murder strikes next door to his oceanside cabin.
Series #1, Episode #4 of The Collegians.
A playboy golf pro, kicked off the circuit for alleged cheating, is forced to hustle for a living.
Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murder of the hired stable-hand, Lawrence.
Snooky the Human-Zee helps a family that is being victimized by crooks at a racetrack.
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