Chief Kim is a comedy-drama series that follows the life of Kim Sung-ryong, a mischievous accountant who becomes an unexpected hero in his office. With his wit and charm, he navigates through the cutthroat corporate world, taking on various financial crimes and exposing corrupt practices. Along the way, he also helps his colleagues find their inner strength and brings positive change to the company. This entertaining series is filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and valuable life lessons.
Dirty Money is a documentary series that explores the corrupt practices and financial crimes of corporations around the world. Each episode delves into a different case of corporate corruption, exposing the greed, fraud, and deception that permeate the global economy. Through in-depth investigations and interviews with key players, the show uncovers the dark underbelly of capitalism.
When a family is held hostage, former hostage negotiator Jeff Talley arrives at the scene. Talley's own family is kidnapped and Talley must decide which is more important: saving a family he doesn't even know or saving his own family.
In the late 18th century, the movie 'Widow Clicquot' explores the fascinating story of the Veuve Clicquot champagne family and their journey into the world of business. Delve into the history of this iconic brand and witness the challenges and triumphs they faced along the way.
In Confidence, a group of grifters execute an intricate con game, but their plans go awry when they become entangled in a dangerous web of lies and double-crosses. The story revolves around a briefcase full of money, the murder of a friend, and a plot to take down a powerful crime boss. As the tension rises, the characters must navigate through a world of organized crime, pickpocketing, strip clubs, and mob hits, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the authorities and their dangerous enemies.
A crime novelist delves into a dangerous investigation of a corrupt politician in Valencia, revealing a hidden web of secrets and crime. As he digs deeper, the writer becomes entangled in a world of torture, killing, and drug addiction, putting his own life at risk.
A high-achieving high school graduate, battles for justice at South Korea’s most reputable accounting firm.
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) is a documentary that delves into the rise and fall of Enron, an American company that became one of the biggest corporate scandals in history. The film explores the corruption, greed, and corporate fraud that led to Enron's downfall, as well as the impact it had on the economy and the lives of its employees. Through interviews, archival footage, and reenactments, the documentary exposes the unethical practices, creative accounting, and corporate culture that ultimately brought down Enron.
Something New is a romantic comedy about a career-focused woman named Kenya McQueen who starts a relationship with her landscaper Brian Kelly. Despite their differences and the racial tension surrounding their relationship, they find themselves falling in love.
Tremble All You Want follows the story of a woman named Yoshika, who is in her 30s and has never been in a relationship. She spends her time daydreaming and obsessing over a classmate from her high school days. When she finally gets the chance to be with him, she must confront her own insecurities and fears, leading to a journey of self-discovery and her first experience with love.
Feudal lord Takuminokami Asano has been led to kill himself due to a scheme by Kozukenosuke Kira. Having no time to mourn his death, samurai Kuranosuke Oishi decides to take revenge on Kira, planning an attack with the help of accountant Chosuke Yato… but they don't have enough in their budget.
A widow discovers a new lease on life when she embarks on a summer internship at a tech company, where she crosses paths with a young businesswoman. As they collaborate on a new business idea, the two form a deep connection and navigate through insecurities and false accusations.
A young employee moves from a small town to the big city and finds himself living in a luxurious penthouse apartment. He navigates through the upper-middle-class society, facing jealousy, ridicule, and love. Along the way, he discovers the sacrifices and compromises that come with wealth and privilege.
Michale is a thirty year old woman. She works with her father in a Tel Aviv accounting office providing services to important religious institutions. She divides her time between her child, her husband, her work and the man with whom she is having an affair. When Michale learns of the tragic death of her lover, her life is shattered.
Accountant Roy is sentenced to prison because he cooked up balances. He hopes that his companions, who profited from his cheat, will help him to a revision of his judgment. Meanwhile he has to adapt to a life in jail - which works out quite well, especially when he meets the self-conscious convicted thief Jane and falls in love. He starts to woo her. But then, while working in the prison's accounting department, he discovers that the prisoners' accounts are not properly kept. The director tries to keep him in her prison as long as possible.
Just as sex, drugs, rock & roll, hippies, and Vietnam enter our consciousness, so it does for Ben Sweet, the shy, 18-year-old son of conservative businessman, Sy. Ben enters UC Berkeley in 1966 to avoid the draft, but finds himself smack in the middle of a home-grown revolution.
A porn film director convinces his producer to make a romantic film, but the cast is grappling with tensions in their private lives.
Claude Berri plays himself as he relates his own experiences through youth and adolescence. His father owns a profitable fur shop. Initially, Claude's father hopes his son will take over the fur shop, but he later gives in to Claude's desire to become involved in filmmaking.
A l'automne 1964, la construction des 52 derniers milles du chemin de fer du Grand lac des Esclaves est en voie d'achèvement. Une bande hétéroclite de travailleurs instables, ivrognes et voleurs, est recrutée dans les tavernes par Fisk, contremaître aux poings d'acier. Martin Bishop, dix-huit ans, arrive comme nouveau pointeur au sein de cette équipe, le précédent pointeur ayant « disparu ». Bishop découvre rapidement des faits anormaux dans ce camp isolé; celui qui ne suit pas les règles de Fisk risque d'être expulsé du camp dans la nature sauvage et hostile. Fait surprenant, tous les hommes qui ont été expulsés demeurent sur la liste de paie... Le refus de Bishop de jouer le jeu de Fisk lui vaut d'être expulsé dans la forêt, dont l'immensité devient sa nouvelle prison. Incapable de s'échapper, Bishop découvre des aptitudes à la survie qu'il ne croyait pas posséder.
When the general manager who possesses 70% of the shares of a steelworks learns that he is sick and has to go abroad to be cured, he hands his shares to Timoleon Adamantas (Orestis Makris), his brother, a teacher, with whom he hasn’t spoken for almost 30 years. Timoleon, being an honest and goodhearted man, aided by his brother’s secretary, Margarita (Martha Karagianni), with whom his son Andreas is in love, finds out a number of great administrative irregularities. Immediately, he throws out his brother’s number one assistant, Kleftodimos (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) and Margarita as well and puts everything in order.