Sex and Death 101 is a dark comedy that explores the themes of seduction, sexual desire, and dark humor. The story follows a seducer as he encounters various women with different sexual fantasies and desires. Along the way, he navigates bachelor parties, strippers, and even a sex doll. The movie takes a comedic approach to explore human sexuality and the complexities that come with it.
Zero is a movie about a businessman whose life takes a dramatic turn after a car accident. The story follows him as he deals with the aftermath of the accident, navigates through secrets, love, poverty, and the porn business. The movie takes place within a one-day timespan and features an ensemble cast with multiple storylines.
Two unemployed film school graduates, a prostitute, a handsome policeman, a mature woman and her teenage daughter. They all lead their miserable lives on the mean streets of Lódz, and try desperately to love and be loved in return.
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