Day Zero is a drama that explores the complexities of military draft and its effects on three friends in New York City. Their lives are turned upside down when they receive notices for conscription and are confronted with the decision to go to war or become conscientious objectors. Throughout their journey, they face personal challenges, confront their fears, and question their ideals. Day Zero delves into themes of duty, honor, friendship, and the struggle to define one's own identity in the face of adversity.
Political turmoil convulses 19th-century Russia as Razumov, a young student preparing for a career in the czarist bureaucracy, unwittingly becomes embroiled in the assassination of a public official.
Bernie Fishbine is overweight. He stops at the neighborhood store to buy some chocolate kisses every day. This is where he meets Theresa Garabaldi. Then they take the same bus route every evening. Theresa invites Bernie to see her play piano at her father's restaurant. It is here that she gets him to join a gym. Theresa is in college and gets the idea to write about Bernie's weight problem for her thesis. She does this without telling Bernie. Meanwhile, Bernie is falling in love with Theresa, and vice versa.
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