Blue Box (2021) is a documentary film that delves into the long-standing Israel-Palestine conflict, focusing on the history of land disputes, forced evictions, and the struggle of the people affected by it. The film covers the period from the 1930s to the present day, highlighting key events such as the establishment of the State of Israel, the British Mandate for Palestine, and the effects of the Holocaust on Jewish refugees. It examines the political and social dynamics that led to the escalation of the conflict and explores the consequences of forced relocations and the destruction of villages. Through interviews and archival footage, Blue Box sheds light on the complex and contentious issues surrounding the Israeli settlement, confiscated lands, and the ongoing struggle for peace and justice.
Cheyenne Jones comes to the Blue River Ranch and asks for a job as a cowpuncher. Actually, Jones's real name is Buck McCloud and he's the new owner of the spread, having inherited it when his uncle died a year earlier. He's roaming the range incognito while trying to identify who's behind the cattle rustling that is afflicting his new business.
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