Heartbeat is a drama and romance film set in 1960s France. It revolves around a love triangle and explores the themes of class differences and love at first sight. The protagonist finds herself in an older man-younger woman relationship and faces the challenges of an unwanted pregnancy. The film delves into the bourgeois lifestyle and the complexities of relationships, depicted against the backdrop of Paris and Saint-Tropez.
A short, silent, black-and-white film dealing with a young woman's moment of choice before entering a back-alley abortion clinic.
The vicissitudes of a bourgeois family and the conflicts emerged between brothers - Dr. Manuel Bernardo, wise and weighted, and Zecas, libertine and Capricious - who ignore his kinship. Two girls mark the sentimental vector: one defends the danger that threatens the threat, the other does not know how to react and is the victim of her ingenuity, a dream of restless youth ...
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