In the small coastal town of Goon Docks, a group of misfit children known as the Goonies discover an ancient map leading to the lost treasure of pirate One-Eyed Willy. With their homes facing foreclosure, they embark on a thrilling adventure, facing booby traps and the dangerous Fratelli family, in a race against time to find the treasure and save their community.
A young Indian boy with a passion for cooking and a talent for flavors moves to France with his family. They open an Indian restaurant across the street from a Michelin-starred French restaurant, leading to a rivalry and clash of culinary cultures. Along the way, they face prejudice, racism, and workplace rivalry, but ultimately learn about acceptance, reconciliation, and the power of food.
In a coastal town in 1980s England, Hilary, a cinema manager battling mental health issues, and Stephen, a new employee seeking an escape, find solace and belonging through music, cinema, and their community.
A hardworking Mexican immigrant living in California dreams of giving his son a better future, but is faced with the challenges of poverty and debt. He becomes desperate to find a way to provide for his son's education and well-being, leading him to make difficult choices and confront his own morality.
In the smallest of Florida towns a lone well driller, Joe, works gathering geological samples for a university study. Unknowingly, Joe unearths more than just primordial muck from deep below the swamp. A strange oozing liquid, is absorbed into Joe's skin and slowly transposes his sense of pain and pleasure. Unaware that he is now a victim and carrier of a horrible virus, Joe lingers in town a few extra days to woo the town's pretty diner waitress, Maria. Allen, a weekly town visitor and long time suitor of Maria's, is unaware of Joe's romantic interest. When Allen's frequent visits to see Maria are delayed by work, Allen must make a final decision to quit his job and propose to Maria or break off their relationship. When Allen makes the decision to move to Ochopee and marry Maria he arrives to find the town a changed place. Maria, often hinting at marriage, is no longer interested and somehow a darker... Written by Jozef Lenders
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