In 'Deadgirl' (2008), two high school boys discover a naked and chained female zombie in an abandoned mental asylum. One of the boys becomes obsessed with her and uses her as a sex slave, while the other struggles with his friend's depravity. The film explores themes of sexual abuse, violence, and the dark side of human nature.
"Although hundreds of disturbing paranormal events occur every year, most of these chilling encounters go unreported - until now. Bear witness as hapless victims experience the unspeakable terror of confronting demonic forces, murderous poltergeists and other evil entities that are dead set on claiming their souls. Descend into an abyss of waking nightmares as these bloodthirsty, malevolent spirits seek to possess their prey and drag them-kicking and screaming-down to hell."
A man discovers the old psychiatric reports of a patient who went missing in the 1930s and starts to investigate similar disappearances.
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