Fireworks is a crime drama movie set in Tokyo, Japan. It follows a retired detective who is diagnosed with terminal cancer and sets out to avenge the death of his daughter. The story explores themes of grief, cynicism, and loneliness as the detective gets involved in illegal activities and takes on the yakuza. Along the way, he forms unexpected friendships and confronts his own mortality.
In 'The Rose Maker', a flower vendor faces financial difficulties and decides to enter a flower contest in hopes of winning the prize money. As she prepares for the competition, she encounters obstacles such as a severe hailstorm and even indulges in breaking and entering to obtain the perfect rose. Will she be able to overcome these challenges and secure a better future?
OMG: Oh My God! is a satirical comedy film that follows the story of a man named Kanji Mehta, who sues God after his shop is destroyed in an earthquake. The film explores themes of religion, spirituality, and the power of belief.
Three young criminals are ordered to keep a girl inside a house until her brother pays his debts.
Mako is a neglectful husband. Not the most loving man. His wife gradually encounters a widower who is a kind, gentle figure. She eventually makes the transition to leave her husband and go to this fellow.
A politician accused of fraud seeks refuge in a remote, hotel he owns. Joined by his wife, and children he requests aid from his friends. His friends refuse to help, and eventually his family leave him, leaving him with few options.
My Tehran for Sale tells the story of a young Iranian woman who is passionate about art and dreams of pursuing a career in theater. However, she faces numerous obstacles in Tehran, including political censorship, government threats, and societal repression. The film explores her journey as she navigates through these challenges and tries to find her own voice and identity.
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