We Own the Night is a gripping crime drama set in 1980s Brooklyn, revolving around a family torn between loyalty and duty. The story follows two brothers, one a narcotics detective and the other a nightclub manager, as they navigate the dangerous world of Russian mafia and drug cartels. Their paths collide when the detective's investigation leads him to discover shocking truths about his own family. With intense action sequences, emotional turmoil, and a race against time, this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat.
On Christmas Eve, a fighter pilot named Freddie Hook is flying home when he gets lost over water. With no navigational guidance and low on fuel, he prepares for a sea ditch. However, he encounters a mysterious guide pilot who helps him land safely at an abandoned base. Freddie later learns that the guide pilot, John Kavanagh, went missing in action during a patrol on Christmas Eve, 1943. The story highlights the role of guide-pilots in saving the lives of fighter pilots during the war.
Worlds Apart follows three separate narratives about different people living in Athens during the Greek crisis. As their lives intertwine, they face love, loss, and political unrest. The film explores themes of cultural differences, personal turmoil, and the search for connection in a turbulent world.
Steelyard Blues is a 1973 comedy crime drama film about a group of misfits who are on the run from the law and decide to pull off a major heist. With their unique skills and eccentric personalities, they plan to rob a corrupt district attorney and his illegal operation. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and unexpected situations, leading to a thrilling and hilarious adventure.
At the Tangier airport, a group of people await the arrival of a mysterious plane from behind the Iron Curtain. The reception committee includes Susan, an American; Gil Walker, a free-booting pilot; Danzer, a black market operator; and Danzer's girlfriend, Nicki. The plane crashes and burns. No survivors are found, nor are any corpses. Soon the search begins for a missing courier worth $3 million.
When Naomi, a young refugee from Nazi-occupied Paris, moves into Alan Silverman’s building in New York, he does his best to avoid her. But despite Naomi's strange behavior and the language barrier, they slowly develop a deep and touching friendship.
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