Encounter follows the journey of a veteran who experiences a strange encounter with aliens after witnessing a meteor shower. As the story unfolds, he finds himself caught in a series of events that blur the lines between reality and delusion, leading to a desperate search for truth and a battle against powerful forces.
In Rome, a special forces soldier must race against time to stop a terrorist threat and prevent a major catastrophe. With the city on lockdown, he must navigate through empty streets and underground operations to uncover the truth and save lives.
An Australian lone wolf's quiet existence is shattered when he learns that the woman he once loved and thought was dead is alive and held captive by ruthless gangsters. Now, to take on this dangerous criminal organization, he must seek out allies and storm into a world of violence to rescue the love of his life in this gritty, modern day violent fairytale.
After an overturned ambulance leaves a man confined inside, he must use his primal instincts to survive and seek revenge for a crime he didn't commit. As he battles mental illness and memory loss, he faces various challenges including internal bleeding, seizures, and a full moon that triggers his wild instincts. With the help of an unlikely ally, he orchestrates a rescue party to bring him justice and face his personal demons.
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