Romulus is an action-packed drama series that takes place in ancient Rome, exploring the foundation myth of Romulus and Remus. It delves into the violent tribal wars, battles, and the intriguing story of the vestal virgins. With elements of fantasy and history, this TV show is an exciting journey into classical antiquity.
In ancient Rome, the twin brothers Romulus and Remus struggle with each other for power and control over the newly founded city. As the sons of the god Mars, they must navigate the treacherous world of politics, violence, and religion, leading to a tragic and violent end.
In ancient times, two mighty warriors engage in a legendary battle for supremacy. With swords clashing and muscles straining, they fight for honor, power, and the fate of their people. This epic clash of the titans will decide the course of history.
The classic story from the early days of Rome where there are no women. Romulus, the founder of Rome, finds women to be wives from Sabina where there are a lot of women. The Sabine men, of course, attack Rome to get their wives and daughters back.
The Sabine tribe battles Romulus in the early days of Rome after Romans seize their women as unwilling brides.
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