Guiding Light is a drama-filled soap opera that follows the lives of the residents in a small town. The show explores various themes such as romance, social issues, scandals, and intrigue. It also delves into topics like marriage, divorce, custody battles, and murder. With its long run, Guiding Light has become an iconic television show that has captivated audiences for years.
The movie tells the story of Paul, a disciple of Jesus Christ, who spreads the message of Christianity during the time of Roman Emperor Nero's persecution. It highlights the themes of trust, friendship, and prayer.
The Roman Holidays is a Hanna-Barbera animated television series that was broadcast in 1972 on NBC. It ran for 13 episodes before being cancelled. Very similar in theme to both The Flintstones and The Jetsons, The Roman Holidays brought a look at "modern-day" life in Ancient Rome, around 63 AD, as seen through the eyes of Augustus "Gus" Holiday and his family. The opening showed a chariot traffic jam and a TV showing football on Channel "IV" An Ancient Roman setting was actually one of the ideas that Hanna-Barbera considered as they were working to create The Flintstones.
The Visual Bible: Matthew (1993) is a movie that portrays the life and ministry of Jesus Christ based on the Gospel of Matthew. It follows the story of Jesus from his birth to his crucifixion and resurrection. The film provides a powerful and dramatic retelling of the events described in the biblical text.
The film follows Danny Feather, his older brother mysteriously died in the murder tunnels. Named after that because of a serial killer that murdered people in those tunnels. The weird thing is that the killer is serving a life sentence.
Stephen Smith sets out to discover the real Andy Warhol - in the hour-by-hour detail of his daily life.
This film is a sequel to Munk's Zezowate Szczescie and it's much the same, only more so. The film begins in a cinema, where the last scenes of Zezowate Szczescie are being shown. Born unlucky, a victim of the errors and distortions of Stalinism, he is released in 1956. He meets a politically feverish woman, her influential parents, and finally becomes the father of her child. But bad luck, or perhaps an unlucky era, will not let him forget.
A time machine sends Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales back to Rome in 65 A.D., where they are captured for lion fodder as entertainment for Emperor Nero...
Short featurette showcasing Clint Eastwood, film historian and critic Richard Schickel and producer Robert Daley, who speak about Eastwood’s work as an actor, as well as other characters he portrayed at that time.
Monique is so anxious to become a movie star that she gets naked for a producer, watches other naked girls in the producer’s other naked movies, and finally ends up starring in a naked skinflick where she’s tied up by a fetish freak. All of which is dutifully chronicled by her obsessed roommate Rita.
Paul Joyce’s Out of the Blue and Into the Black is an insightful documentary surveying American independent film production post-Easy Rider and includes interviews with Peter Bogdanovich, Dennis Hopper, Monte Hellman and Roger Corman.
In the summer of 1959, as a magazine correspondent, writer and filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922-75) traveled along the Italian coast. In 1963, he documented the sexual behavior of the Italians. In the winter of 1970-71, he witnessed the hardships of the most impoverished Italian population suffering from the boot of state power. After these three trips, he came to the conclusion that Italian society had changed drastically for the worse over the years.
Explore the fascinating engineering feats of the ancient Romans as they built magnificent structures like the Colosseum and the Pantheon, and face their eventual downfall.
60 AD , the island of Anglesey , Wales - Rhona, a young woman working towards becoming a druid. Together with her people, she has devoted her life to serving the gods and protecting their sacred site. When the news of a Roman attack reaches her village, Rhona has to decide whether to be loyal to her beliefs and face death or to flee with her best friend Mya. A Welsh-language production , filmed all over Dorset .
Jerry is a classic dad, with a wife name Sara and a daughter named Beth. It's Jerry's birthday and he is sad that he is 36 and still hasn't accomplished any of his dream. Sara tries to cheers him up by telling bad jokes which triggers a laugh track. Jerry tries to find out where the laughter is coming from, where he get transported to another universe.
Jake walks into detention and finds 3 other kids sitting down. They start talking to each other about how they got into detention but strange things start happening. One by one each of the kids slowly start dying related to the way they got detention.
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