Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan is a hilarious TV show that follows the life of Uramichi Omota, a gym teacher who appears upbeat and positive on the surface but struggles with the realities of adulthood. The show explores the challenges and complexities of life, friendship, and growing up in a comical and relatable way.
Tennis player turned coach Tashi has taken her husband, Art, and transformed him into a world-famous Major champion. To jolt him out of his recent losing streak, she signs him up for a "Challenger" event — close to the lowest level of pro tournament — where he finds himself standing across the net from his former best friend and Tashi's former boyfriend.
A Tokyo TV drama based on the eponymous manga.
In Aloft (2014), a mother's guilt over the death of her child and her son's search for healing intersect in a remote frozen wasteland. Their paths converge with a documentary filmmaker who is on a mission to capture the mother's abilities as a healer. As the story unfolds, connections are made between the past and the present, and the characters navigate themes of loss, redemption, and the power of connection.
Sultry college dropout Annie Burroughs moves in with her older sister Marsha and proceeds to break up the relationship between Marsha and her live-in boyfriend David Mitchell so Annie can begin a sensuous love affair and have David all for herself.
Based on the soccer manga of the same name by Masaya Tsunamoto and Motoki Yoshihara.
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