In the distant future, Earth is overrun with garbage. WALL-E, a waste-collecting robot, discovers a plant and falls in love with EVE, a robot sent to find vegetation. They journey to the spaceship Axiom, where humans living in hover chairs are oblivious to their surroundings. WALL-E and EVE must save the plant from the ship's autocratic autopilot, return it to Earth, and teach humans how to heal the planet.
In the year 2898 AD, around 6000 years after Kurukshetra war, Ashwatthama gears up for his final battle of redemption at the sign of hope in a dystopian world and Bhairava, a wisecracking and self-interested bounty hunter, tired of the perilous life becomes the hurdle in the process.
SilverHawks follows a group of superhero cyborgs from the 29th century who are tasked with protecting the galaxy from the forces of evil. Led by the brother and sister duo of Commander Stargazer and Steelheart, the SilverHawks use their superhuman abilities and futuristic weaponry to battle villains such as Mon*Star and his army of alien cyborgs. Set in a surrealistic future where good fights against evil, the show combines elements of action, adventure, and science fiction.
BURN·E is a dedicated robot working on a spaceship in outer space. When the ship's satellite dish gets damaged, BURN·E goes on a journey to fix it, encountering slapstick comedy and choral singing along the way. This animated adventure explores the 29th century space world with a touch of classical music. A fun-filled short film suitable for kids and families.
In the futuristic city of Oedo, three convicted criminals are given a chance at redemption by working as cyborg cops. They are tasked with hunting down cyber-criminals and bringing them to justice. As they take on dangerous missions, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the entire city.
When the Legion of Doom tries to use a magical weapon to control time, the JLA gets trapped in different eras. They must work together and use their superpowers to find a way back home and save the world.
In the year 3000, after a thermonuclear war, society is divided into male-dominated tribes and a matriarchal society called 'The Feminati'. The story revolves around an uprising led by a slave girl named Trini and her rebellion against the oppressive regime.
In the aftermath of a thermonuclear war, survivors in the year 2889 face radiation sickness, mutations, and struggle for survival.
The year of 2884 A.D., December, a battle broke out between the Mercenary troops and Shutral Forces in the Australian desert. Surrounded by strong electromagnetic active waves, without any hope of reinforcement, the battle was getting furious and also, it was getting dark.
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