The series is based on the manga Tokusatsu Gagaga, a comedy manga by Tanba Niwa. Tokusatsu Gagaga series follows Kano Nakamura, an office lady played by Fuka Koshiba, who is secretly a tokusatsu otaku, a toku-ota. She lives her life by the code of tokusatsu heroes and often envisions herself as one as a means to make it through her daily struggles.
Kajillionaire follows a dysfunctional family of con artists who rely on their cunning and absurd tactics to survive. When they invite a stranger to join their latest heist, their carefully constructed world is turned upside down.
After sustaining a career-ending injury, 26-year-old ballet dancer Élise is forced to find a new purpose in life. With the support of her friends, she discovers a company for modern dance in Brittany, which reignites her passion. Will Élise be able to overcome her obstacles and dance again?
Together Together is a heartwarming movie that follows the journey of a single man who decides to start a family through surrogacy. He forms an unlikely friendship with his young surrogate mother as they navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy together. Through their bond, they discover the true meaning of family and the importance of human connection.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku follows the story of Narumi and Hirotaka, two young adults who work in the same office and are both secretly otaku. As they navigate the ups and downs of their personal and professional lives, they find solace and understanding in each other's shared interests and experiences. Together, they explore the complexities of love, relationships, and the challenges that come with being an otaku in a society that often misunderstands them.
In this gripping drama, actress Sharon Tate experiences a horrifying nightmare as she becomes the target of notorious mass murderer Charles Manson and his cult. Set in the backdrop of the 1960s, the story explores the tragedy and psychological impact of the events surrounding Tate's murder, as she navigates her pregnancy and the escalating danger she faces. Brace yourself for a chilling and psychotronic journey into the dark side of Hollywood.
A Mouthful of Air follows the story of a 26-year-old woman who struggles with fear, depression, and postpartum depression. As she tries to balance motherhood and her career as a children's book author, she must confront her tragic past and deal with the effects of childhood sexual abuse. Through flashbacks and conversations with her psychiatrist, she gradually finds the courage to face her mental illness and the strength to move forward.
Washington Square follows the life of Catherine Sloper, a wealthy spinster living in New York City in the 19th century. With her father's disapproval and society's expectations weighing on her, Catherine finds herself torn between a romantic adventurer and a suitor chosen by her father. As she navigates the complexities of love and the pursuit of happiness, Catherine must confront the true nature of the people around her and make a decision that will shape her future.
Blood and Ties is a gripping drama thriller that follows the story of a daughter who embarks on a journey to uncover the dark secrets of her father's enigmatic past. As she delves deeper into the mysteries, she unravels a web of deceit, betrayal, and shocking revelations. With each twist and turn, the daughter must navigate through a world filled with danger and suspense to uncover the truth that will forever change her life.
A Tokyo TV drama based on the eponymous manga.
A wealthy widow, Mrs. Cheyney, becomes involved in a romantic triangle and a con game. She must navigate the high society of London and New York City while avoiding Scotland Yard and a gang of robbers.
Silvia is young, beautiful and rich. When her husband goes on a business trip, she starts working as a secretary for Margaret, a famous film star. Margaret appears to have no problems giving her what she wants and turns her into a sex slave- little by little, she subjects herself to increasingly serious humiliations in a masochistic relationship.
After a divorce, a woman starts experiencing hallucinations and paranoia. She checks herself into a mental health clinic where she unravels the secrets of her past, including a loveless marriage and gaslighting. As she pieces together her shattered identity, she discovers the truth about her own mental illness and the lengths people will go to hide it.
An adult woman's imaginary friend from childhood, Hugo, finds his existence threatened when a real person becomes the woman's love interest.
At age 15, Taelor's idyllic childhood abruptly ends after the violent & sudden death of her doting father. Now 26, free-spirited Taelor navigates drug abuse, guns, madness & inherent violence of the rich, white Houstonian ghettos in Trump's America.
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