The feature film Diary of an Alcoholic tells the dramatic story of a young woman struggling with alcohol addiction. The main heroine (although she often does not act like a heroine) is a young mother who decided not to give up, to start treatment and to fight her demon and her family. How hard is it to admit a drinking problem? Why is not even a small child an obstacle to addiction? Where to get the strength to heal and what comes next? These and many other questions are answered by an authentic and honest cinematic confession of an abstinent alcoholic.
"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their project, which thematises the execution of more than 260 Carpathian Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks by Czechoslovak army soldiers near Přerov in June 1945. The “massacre at Přerov” is made present through a minimalist dramatisation of the interrogation footage of direct participants, eyewitnesses, and others. It is as if the characters of ancient theatre were entering the Zoom “stage” and delivering a tragic message of fear, hatred and disinterest across the chasm of time.
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