Les Misérables (2019) is a gripping crime drama set in a Parisian suburb where tensions run high. The film explores themes of police brutality, revenge, and social inequality. It follows three police officers as they navigate the volatile neighborhood, grappling with their own moral dilemmas. A powerful and thought-provoking movie with a thrilling narrative.
From power struggles to global politics, an exploration of FIFA reveals the organization's checkered history and what it takes to host a World Cup.
Peruvian soccer star Paolo Guerrero wages a difficult legal battle after testing positive for cocaine months before the World Cup. Based on a true story.
Comedian Frankie Boyle visits Russia ahead of the 2018 World Cup. He explores Russian football and culture, and examines the current relationship between Russia and the West following recent controversial geo-political events.
Kickback is a British documentary about the corruption within FIFA
Les Bleus 2018 – At The Heart of the Russian Epic is a documentary series that tells the story of an extraordinary adventure. At the core of Les Bleus, we see how the group lives and manages the pressure, the matches and gives its utmost to succeed. The film follows the team from the friendlies of March to June and their preparations in Clairefontaine up to the matches in the World Cup.
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