Taj Mahal is a gripping thriller that delves into the terrifying 2008 Mumbai terror attacks at the iconic Taj Mahal hotel. The movie follows the story of a teenage girl who finds herself trapped inside the hotel during the attack, struggling to survive while her father tries to rescue her. As the siege unfolds, the film explores themes of terrorism, the intense battle for survival, and the profound bond between a father and daughter. Taj Mahal is a heart-stopping portrayal of the real-life terror attack that shook the world.
Terror in Mumbai is a documentary film that tells the gripping story of the tragic 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. It provides an in-depth analysis and recounts the events that unfolded during the siege of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel by a group of terrorists. The film sheds light on the brave individuals and the challenges faced by the security forces during this horrifying incident.
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